Tag Archives: antiselfie

#SELFIE the song: A snapshot or satire?

Well, of course a song about selfies has gone viral.

We at the antiselfie are digging the beat (sampled from Korean pop superstar Psy, apparently) but it looks like not everyone is loving the song’s message.

Which is simply, let me take a selfie because it’s all about me.

Some select juicy comments from youtube:

I feel like people are taking this song at face value when it really is just making fun of all the ignorant people out there who abuse social media and upload selfies of themselves all the time. To those people, I say, please stop and let’s all cleanse the gene pool.”

“How is this even a song?”

“Perfect example why I hate this generation .”


“You do realize this song is a form of satire right? Though people act like this anyway.”

“2014….Chicks are actually like this. Dudes too. Mankind is doomed.”

“This song is not here to make a big hit or win any music awards. It’s just to bring amusement to us lol”

“I admit that the beat is catchy and all. But this song is honestly terrible. it just shows how airheaded and shallow people of this generation are. Couldn’t they make a song about world hunger, or peace, or something actually relevant? no, they made a song about taking selfies. Is this really what music has come to? The future is indeed bright.”

“It’s supposed to be a joke. It isn’t serious. The way you think, I’m guessing you don’t have much fun.”

“What has the world come to?!?”

“I would watch the entire video but first……LET ME TAKE A SELFIE :)”

The antiselfie says, yeah, me too. Let me take a selfie. Once in a while. Not too much though.

Because it looks like a lot of people do realize that constant selfie-taking and posting is just plain annoying.

What about you? Do you find this song funny or annoying? Why?

Dove’s Short Film “Selfie” : Mixed Feelings because “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” ~ Kahlil Gibran

So Dove’s Real Beauty Campaign came out with a short film called “Selfie.” It’s gone viral.

It’s about young women and their mothers taking selfies and basically admiring their selfies. But really, it’s about accepting your own brand of unretouched beauty, instead of the standards of beauty that we are bombarded with, by media’s airbrushed images.

The antiselfie recognizes that there is merit in this. Of course.

But what if…the campaign for real beauty finally tackles the kind of beauty that no beauty bar, not even my favorite Dove white unscented for sensitive skin, can ever, ever touch?

Let’s not kid ourselves. This campaign for real beauty is still, at end of the day, a Dove commercial. And like a lot of commercials, it’s a kind of brainwash, that’s been set on the delicate cycle.

How about we get really revolutionary and talk about real beauty, the kind Kahlil Gibran speaks of? The kind of beauty that’s not attached to the possibility of brand loyalty and customers for life, and needs no marketing dollars to produce?

“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.” ~ Kahlil Gibran

Some of the most beautiful people I know attract a lot of friends and followers of all genders and sexual orientation, of different political persuasions.

Many of them wear no makeup, are bald or have white hair, have wrinkled skin, and are past 60.

Many of them are monks, nuns, priests, or the types who’ve outgrown traditional models of beauty.

Their beauty comes from being really, really deep down kind. No selfies or Dove soap needed.

How about launching a campaign for THAT kind of REAL beauty?